Per Anita Moorjani
One of the important things in our feelings is to not lose the hope.
I want to shout out to everybody who works in medical field. Please do not instil fear in your patients. This is not an attack on medical doctors. There is a lot of wonderful works that doctors do. I know when the doctors enter into their medical field that they enter into it with a hope helping people. But what ends up happening as with anything, we get caught up in the fear of disease and forget to look at the whole person.
And I hear this over and over, there are lot of the people that write to me, and they are telling me about their medical diagnosis and what their doctor has said. And the first thing what I see what they are writing to me: “OMG! Why has their doctor removed all hope?!”
And again, I know that not all the doctors are like that but too many are. That is the way how medical industrial complex works. Because doctors believe that the only cure lies with medicine alone and they do not have enough confidence in medicine that they have for certain element. Here is what I want to say, if you are in a medical field, please, remember that the biggest gift you can give your patients is hope and the will to live. This illness or whatever ells they are going through, is not just a random event, it is something that has been brewing because it is a culmination of things that have happened in their life up to this point. This is like the final strow on a camel’s back and it is manifested as this illness. They can reverse engineering if you guid them. The doctor is supposed to be there to support you. Even if you cannot spend time with your patient to figure out what it is that caused or led up to this point, at the very least do not take away their hope! Don’t give them a death sentence! Do not tell them when you predict they are going to die!
And my biggest shout out is: "Pelase, stop undoing what I am trying to do here!" Read more about Anita here:
Watch original video on : Give Your Patients Hope